Docker is a light weight virtual machine, it does not have the OS level abstraction like VMWare or Parallel. Therefore, it is light and resource saving. The main issue it wants to tackle it is the pain of deploying service in different systems. Like developers develope and test projects in their own system but when deploy in the remote server, it may not work.
Images vs containers
Images are similar as the concept class in object oriented programming. It can be considered as a blueprint. Users can create their own images based on others this is just like inheritance in OOP. Whereas, containers just like the concept of object in OOP, we can create multiple containers from one image, suppose each image is just a blueprint of a server, the advantages of this feature make expand server much easier. That’s why container technology is a hot topic in distributed system.
Useful docker commands
docker ps -a
docker inspect youthful_elion
Here is a image shows the differences between Docker and OS-based virtual machine
to be continue… ### References